2006 Happy New Year
~2006 Happy New Year Resolution~
Haih, tis was my 2nd post.
Sounds funny rite? Or rather not funny at all… Sob sob.. Today I was not tat hapi since I so bored, dono wat to write? I js lost contact wif tis gal, her house fon is been line, den she got no hp number. Bullshitz… Get real man, wat the big deal? Js a normal gal rite? Actually she’s my gf (girlfriend… if duno) I js have a difficult relationship wif tis gal. Her dad js suspected tat she got a bf, den he js shut her daughter in a bloody hell house. She cnt even go out, n house fon was cut. 10x to her brilliant, psycho dady.
Anyway, I don’t reali wan to mention abou her rite now. I sure I write more about me, myself n I. :)
Here My New Year Resolution:
(which i hope i cn achieve them all )
- Live a Happi life and hope cn find a soulmate who cn share my life wif... (sori darling Angel, i try my veli best... But u seems to hurt me more n more... I wish u cn understand me more...)
- Study hard n smart in order to achieve my career in the near future
- Hope i won't kept an empty promise... (must study hard, vinvin... struggle to success, vinvin... don't ever play nfsmw much; or play online game like lineage2... vinvin plz...)
- Becoming a popular n successful bloggerz like kennysia or xiaxue; or any popular bloggez
- Hoping kennysia will read my blog; although i js an amauter in this field
- Hoping i cn get my loan $$ earlier from now. It's been about 2months since i submit the agreement of the loan for HiED, sort of under Yayasan Loan. (Damm it, Y need to wait? U tot me don't want to back u back izit? Who want such $$$ anyway? heh...heh... J/k ok? Quickly calculate the $$$ den send to my account... plz my lord?)
- Improve my 'photoshop' skills' n "Html skills" (Damm kenny again, u should gud in photoshop mer? i oso knoe the skills mar, i oso cn be as skillful as u, Keny)
- Earn more $, if i cn... (tis achieve when i not be a lazy boney-ass)
- Buy Dvd-writer... to backup my data... (hehe... me not like tat cheeky as tat Keny, my data is all about photoshop skills n animation... currently i doin' some self-study about those things... hehee... hopeful i be bezt of the bezt)
- Lastly, always be myself. Cuz onli the true self rulez this real world. The reality world is dangerous as it seemz to be...

(Achieve em' wif all my powerz) :)
Haiyo... NYR ah? Don't just talk the talk and no substance oh... NYR's are hard to achieve and not as simple as drinking water. Meet the unexpected in some times and areas. May the force (of heavy burden that pulls you down) be with you. Hahahhahaaaaa....
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