**First of all, i didn't update my blogz because of my study. Recently i'm quite busy with assignments and stuff like that.. I currently switch to the new so-called-beta-blogger. As a result, i didn't feel any different.. :D **
I pre-ordered this Carbon last month ago. I recieved it at 1st of Nov via Pos-Laju. This is my very first time buy an ORI game, which cost RM85 including shipping. Retail price should be RM129. It contained two DVDs (Game disc and Making the game disc), one guide book and one ea-products booklet.

The game is quite different than the previous installment. It got three types of cars, such as tuner, muscle and exotic. Each type has a different handling. I bought this game because of the online features, but i kinda little upset. As for now, anyone can play online mode including pirated version. And the best part is the game keeps crashing... Darn EA... Until now, there ain't any patch. WTF... The career mode was little upset as well, it's too darn short. Four bosses to beat, three bosses is superb easy to beat and only the final boss, Darius, superb hard.

Modded-Supra :D
Here's that darn-Darius

That's the end of the career mode.. Just like that >__