World Cup?
Another four years had past. World Cup '06 had arrived. Everyone seems so crazy and wild about World Cup. Is it a whole world cup? Bigger than Holy Grail?
Last night, 09 Jun '06, the opening game held in Stadion München in München, Germany, Too bad, i didn't manage to watch. I'm not a soccer fan. Thus, why i wrote this?
My dad just backed and brought these things to me. Shss... keychain? For what? Tiger Beer? I don't drink beer. :) Only my dad drinks. TigerFC. Final Cup? I didn't get it. What the FC stand for? Oh well, i'm not an alcohol freak.
If you looked closely, the flag was Italy. Why was it Italy flag? I thought World Cup held in Germany. Maybe TigerFC support Italy? Hmm... I think TigerFC should have this event
World Cup History :
Germany - 2006
Korea & Japan - 2002
France - 1998
United States - 1994
Italy - 1990
Mexico - 1986
Spain - 1982
Argentina - 1978
Germany - 1974
Mexico - 1970
England - 1966
Chile - 1962
Sweden - 1958
Switzerland - 1954
Brazil - 1950
France - 1938
Italy - 1934
Uruguay - 1930
Dude... FC = Football Club; It's another marketing gimmick by Tiger, either being a sponsor or supporter. Toshiba's throw a word to sell all its products at half price if England wins the World Cup
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