Concert 2006 (Promo-tour)
Concert 2006 of Alexander Lee-Hom Wang was held almost whole Malaysia. (what the hell? Alexander the Great? Hehehe... )On 18 March 2006, it was held in Kuching, where James Brooke named this city. In fact, it was not a concert, it was a mini-concert or promo-tour of his ablum called, HERO OF EARTH. (sound pretty cool right?)

10x for Emory. I forgotten to take a snapshot of the ticket
According to his flame of biodata, he was borned in Rochester, N.Y, U.S.A on 17 May 1976. He also had a Japanese name (so surprising, right? I think he just thought Japanese so cool, got tat "shiro" sound) Oriki Hiroshi. He had tons of talent, mostly related to music field, of course. Comparing to Jay Chow, I think Lee Hom more cool. Alexander had a better English language than Jay Chow. His rap can be at the same level, a lit bit lower la, as US rapper Enimen, Fat Joe, Jay-Z (Not Jay Chow) and many more. Want more information, go google search or this fansite of his!
Back to concert or so-called-mini, my friend gave me free ticket, so i just went for a fun look. I certainly not his fan. It was held at MBKS indoor Stadium, which was very hot place. NO AIR-CON!!!! Damm it %&%&&^**()*^^ Anyway It was free, according to the host of that mini-concert. She said that it was sponsored by Celcom and the ticket was a total free. (Hmm... Free? If free, why need a ticket? Need paper to print that ticket le!! Save the Tree, MAN) I was so surprise that it was crowded with tons of die-hard-fan. Hehehe.. i not one of them. Comparing to David Tao mini-concert, this mini-concert sure was covered with lots of sweaty body. I would barely breathe le.... And still, that night was raining, but still lots of idiot went to there.
Tons of Bloody-sweaty Heads
After few minutes later, the so-called-mini-game started. Hmm... Is it a bonus game to show the whole crowd that you are Lee-Hom fan? Dancing like him, singing like him, rapping like him. I found it quite annoying cause' every promo-tour sure got that stupid-mini-game. The host would ask 5-6 people from the crowd to get on stage and play that game. Asking stupid-fan question or asking them to perform a singing competition. Ouch, do we forget something? We come to here to see the artist perform, not some idiot-stupid guy who do such shameful act.
6 Victims of the promo-tour mini-game!!!
Most of them sung like shit!! Just one of them performed quite nice. He sure know how to rap and perform cool act, even Lee-hom also got praised him. After waste about 15minutes of that, Lee-Hom finally show up! Yo, yo yo, Lee Hom here and there~ He rapped all the way to the stage. Hmm reminded me of 50cent or other American rapper. But he rapped in Chinese word, of course, yet mixing with modern-English word. Eg: yo yo, yeah yeah, huh, checkz tat out~ All the crowd were felt alive, even me. Honestly, I was asleep when at that mini-game. What a silly game!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, i brought you, Lee-hom... yo yo yo~
Go Lee-hom, it's Lee-hom~~
Chatting with the MC
Too bad i didn't get a VIP ticket, so i just sat at very far far away from the stage. So i take a very bad pictures. Here a closed-up of him, taken by kenny.
He sang a total of four songs in this tour. He cited that he ever came to here, Kuching about 7 years ago. Hmm... that time i think i was in primary six. I think so, cause' that time few my classmate (female) very crazy about him. I didn't know anything, cause' i only like English songs, BackStreetBoys i know la! hehe.... 1st and 2nd songs which make everyone felt exotic!! Then 3rd and 4th song, some of the people already went out, went back home!! For the die-hard-fan, they all wait and wait to get Lee-hom hero signature. But i not the fan or i didn't buy ORI cd. As the host said that only ORI CD, then get his exotic signature. So i just went out, i noticed something funny and weird, many people just grab the poster at there, heard they said that it free, so must take!!!
I felt the 2nd song quite annoying, i meant the title of that song, Kiss Goodbye. Why don't goodbye kiss? Normally we will say give a goodbye kiss to our love one, but we don't say, "yesterday i just kiss goodbye when i bring her home."
Tiny Conversation:
VinVIn: Hate it, why always KennySia hit the damm spot. In fact, if yesterday i not tired typing, then i should have post this before him. %&^&*()__(*&^%%%
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