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It's all about me, myself and i living in a small tinny litle town, called Kuching, where things are outta control!!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Nano? Ipod?

Nano? Ipod-Nano? This time isn't about Ipod, it's about our next generation optical discs ( or CD/DVD) I'm sure not many people know that. It is extremely very interesting facts, thanks to Dr. James Chon from Swinburne University of Technology (SUT). You can read his article at Borne Post Newspaper. For the shocking news, our CD/DVD or even Blue-ray Disc is considered as the earliest production, called 2D Storage, which is because only one single-sided is being used in the whole disc. As the matter of fact, he cited that 99.9percent volume of the disc is wasted. As a result, we only used 0.1percent of the whole volume of the disc. WOW!!!! Bloody Hell!! What the hell is goin' on?

Here the close-up version!

Just make it short, we are only at the very early stage in this technology world. It's so surprising that we only use 0.1% to store the data of CD/DVD! Blue-ray disc is using smaller wavelength which the colour is blue, to store more data. As time goes by, we can store more than terabytes or even can up to petabytes which Professor Min Gu and the other researchers predicted. The Centre Micro-Photonics(SUT) is led by Professor Min Gu, who is also known as world-leading research in microphotonics. In short, it is defined that this technology "Nano" is the achievement of this research. With "Nano" aka 5-Dimensional (3-D spatial + 1 spectral + 1 polarisation), it can be produced a petabyte optical disc.

One Petabyte? Crazy la! Emm... can store your entire collection of porn CARTOON la!!

Tiny Conversation:

VinVin: Dear, i always be with you, no matter what, even we....


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