Taman Sahabat (review)
Taman Sahabat (aka Friendship Park) is located at Jalan Song. This Park is well-designed compare to all the parks in Kuching. It was so crowded with people everyday and night time. Especially at night time, it was packed with couples holding hands. Damm it. But too bad, it got CCTV in that park. For the thief, i'm so sorry. It is sure a much more safe park to hang out around. It was sure a romantic park to date a girl out. Speaking of that, Valentine day is nearer.

Actually the main purpose is to promote or introduce the brief history between Malaysia and China. Friendship between Panda and "Kucing". (Kucing means Cat) A popular ancient chinese man called Cheng Ho or Cheng He (weird right, how come got two different spelling name? Which one is real?), he was an explorer just like Christopher Columbus, who sailed around the world. Wow! But now, we used aeroplane to travel around the world in less than 80days, or less than 7days! heh..heh..

Morning version and night version of Cheng Ho or Cheng He
Friendship Forever...
Anyway, that history of him i not that sure. It was because i never study about history of Cheng Ho or Cheng He at school. I told my dad about that. He was shocked. Form 1 till Form 5, most of the history were related to our country, Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh! KNNCCB!! I strongly think that the government of Malaysia should change little bit for the history subject, should related the whole world history. not just Malaysia.
There the brief history of our 14th States of Malaysia (the last one is Wilayah Persekutuan)

There also had a Tea House, but it only opened at morning and afternoon. At night time it closed. So for couples at night time, they had to bring food lo. What? I thought kissing already made them full? heh...heh... There also got the fountain, but the guard of the park did not want to operate it. He said save some electricity! Gosh, what the-
Night version. So unique design!!!
Many fishes in the pond!!! Must fishing!! If dare!!
Night version and Morning version. I wish... i wish... have my money!!! hehe...
Who wants to get wetty?
That night i at Taman Sahabat. I was so terrible that time. It just make my hair go up up up!!! Just like silent hill.... in Kuching...
Freaking spooky at that park!!!
Tiny conversation:
Unknown: What the hell to VinVin Blog? It's 15th day of CNY!!
VinVin: Sorry, I know. I supposed to update. But i had exam at that week. Happy Chap Goh Mei!!!
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