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It's all about me, myself and i living in a small tinny litle town, called Kuching, where things are outta control!!!

Friday, January 20, 2006


Beta testing always happening within microsoft products. Or Bill Gates Products. At first, i thought Bill Gates was brilliant. Then, i guessed he was too brilliant causing too much trouble and bugs, especially Window Xp. About few years ago, it had a Window Xp crisis. For God sake! Causing most of the computers in the whole wide world affected the virus, Window Xp virus. That freaking-hacker very impressive! I guessed that we should blame Bill Gates who not doing his own-good job. After all, we got 3 main OS, Microsoft Window, MAC OS and Linux OS! Especially Microsoft Window Xp got tons of problem, it had the most update services compare to other OS in the market. But still, it caused lots of problem. Bill Gates really screws things up, such as Xbox360, the next generation console. After it released on Dec last year, it turned another crisis again. Few of the console got Fry-out. Feel pity for the victims!!! I guessed Bill Gates should run "Beta Campaign" for any of his own products. I hope his next big balls, ooops i mean thing, Windows Vista should not be another crisis again!

A couple months ago, i downloaded Internet Explorer 7(Beta version), from torrent. Hehehe.. It's illegal right? Anyway lots of people downloadedd stuffs from torrent. But i won't put links in my blog. Cause it's illegal! So i kind of a beta tester. I very impressed that Bill Gates finally learn how to please our users. IE7 got tap feature, and the interface was little bit of stylish. It seems okay. As for the bad part, IE7 still render different, or stupidly! I really hate it. Especially if your site is using CSS coding to create your site, IE7 read the code differently, so it render your site also differently. It caused lots of bugs and make your site messy and nasty. I'm sure many people facing this crisis again. I thought Bill Gates is smarter enough to update this damm-good-browser, such as Firefox or Opera. For my blog, please view with Firefox or Opera!! Best Browser in the world wide web!

IE7 Out!!! Beta anyway!

Finally got Tap Feature!!!

Now i just downloaded Msn 8(Beta version). Beta version again? I downloaded for torrent also. hehe... The interface was cool. Few new goodies. One of them was the share folder feature! You can share file in that folder, just like Kazaa. But you can't simply download or search. Users have to apply that feature, then user's friends can be able to download files in that share folder. Hmm.. i just thought something. Is it dangerous? I mean causing privacy. P2P connection on MSN? Wow! How cool is that? Don't know why Bill Gates created that feature?

signing in... NEW MSN 8

WOw! Look at the whole new interface!!! MSN 8

Share Folder? P2P in MSN 8!?!

Adding / Editing friends in Brand New Look!

Too Bad i found it, annoying. Buggz!! Uninstall is the best sollution :P

Technically, do you notice something? Why all these are in Beta version? Actually it all related to the next big thing, the whole wide world is talking about. I give you, Microsoft Next Big OS, Microsoft Window Vista (codename Longhorn, err... there's not related to cows with long horns, ok?). Honestly i really wanted to download and try using Window Vista Beta Version. But my HDD space not enough, and i didn't have DVD-writer. Plan to buy soon! Hehe... The installation setup was huge, 2 or more Gig!!! I heard few beta-tester said it was okay, little buggyz, and performance was quite slow, due to some of the heavy-application, which we don't need at all.

Interface of Vista was impressive!!! But need an high-end machine to run this BABY!!

I took those picture from the official site of Window Vista. Too bad i haven't try it out myself. Have a nice feel of the latest Baby!!


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