Beauty Contest
Beauty Contest again? Another Miss Sarawak Contest? This time is about Miss Model 2006. It's the first Sarawak attempt. Technically, we must all know that Miss Contest sure have pretty ladies completing themselves. But for Sarawak, it kind of different. As we always say, don't expect things too much. Miss Sarawak or wat, we sure are little upset, mostly are not that pretty as we predicted.This time is about Miss Leg? Long Long Legs? But according to my view, I didn't saw any tall girls (above 170cm), mostly just kind of short. How on earth can Miss Leg be short n little-fatty-Legs?

On Saturday i went to that show wif Emory, at Lea Centre, Sarawak Plaza. It was crowded with people, mostly guys i guessed. In that shopping complex got three events, not just one. One stone kill three birdy. One is the Miss Leggy, others are Clown Show and what-measure-your-foot-contest, i didn't get the actual name of that contest. Mostly all the guys would be in that Miss-leggy-section. Plenty of guys taking pictures of the models. I felt pity for his girlfriend. Imagine your love one in front of you, then you still take pictures of other pretty girls. After all, they were meant to be let other people take pictures of them.
Clown Show held in there!
Models wore those display shoes!!
Taking bags fr tat Lea Centre
Do you notice sth? All the models wore same clothes
And, i found it very annoying. It was that damm reporters. I had a very tough-hard time taking pictures of the models. Damm reporters just wandering around like wild goose, carrying damm-big-camera. Another things, i found it was humour. It was related to damm reporters again. I overheard their conversation.
Reporter A: Hey, we onli take picture of their pretty legs.
Reporter B: Yea, we know. It's Miss Leg mar.
Reporter A: Remember, don't simply take picture of their other parts.
(What the hell? Other Parts? Ouch... Damm Cheeky Reporters)
The reporters were very talkative, and their voices were almost the same level as the Loud-speakers. Making lots of noise. Hmm, another thing, when the models were standing and posing. Almost all the reporter one step closer and taking pictures of them. Flashing here and there. I bet the models felt kind of scary!!!!
Good Leg? Hmm... not reali...
This is much better!!!
Anyway, this model, i reali admire her! Hope she wins!
After for awhile, i felt kind of tired, cause' all were the same things. Walk n walk, taking free-bags, posing, that all? Non-interesting as IN ZEN, got that Alan Ch'ng cutting the models' hair. So i didn't finish watching that idiot-show. For the final show is on 30th March, in Crowne Plaza.
Hmm, do he look cute? (*like a kid?)
There's the video i took, using my W900i:
Tiny Conversation:
VinVin: Alan Ch'ng is not my relatives at all. Although my surname is same as his. It's kind of odd that both of us have same surname But totally unrelated. And mostly people don't know how to pronounce our surname. LOL